It's our Blog's 1st Birthday! so we thought we would celebrate a few of Rotorua's 1st's.
A Chronology by D. M. Stafford
Don (D. M.) Stafford |
1340 Arawa Canoe arrives at Maketu
Sir George Grey (From : Te Ara) |
1340-50 Exploration of Rotorua District
1650 Ngati Whakaue occupy Ohinemutu and surrounds
1835 1st Mission Station set up.
1852 1st Resident Magistrate appointed at Rotorua
1866 Sir George Grey visits Rotorua District
1870 1st Royal visit (Duke of Edinburgh)
First Rotorua Royal Visit
1872 1st Hotel opens at Ohinemutu
1872 1st organised horse racing in the district
1875 New Post Office opened in Ohinemutu
1881 1st horse sale in district
1884 1st Blue Bath built and 1st hospital built
1885 1st marathon run between Rotorua and Tauranga
1885 1st issue of Hot Lakes Chronicle is published
1886 1st known volcanic eruption
1888 1st gold prospecting begins in district
1889 1st meeting held to establish a Library
1892 1st Brass Band established
1894 1st Telephone in the district installed
1895 1st Grand Hotel opens
1897 1st street lights established
| |
1898 1st ever (in NZ) Bicycle tracks laid in Rotorua
1900 1st Elections for Rotorua Town Council
1902 1st Bank of NZ opened in Rotorua
1903 1st car arrives in Rotorua
1908 1st Rotorua Golf Club established
1910 1st A&P Association Show
1919 1st YMCA opens on Pukeroa Hill
1923 1st Borough Council elections held
1924 1st Te Arawa Trust Board members appointed
1926 1st Rotorua Bus Company
1928 1st St John's Ambulance service
1929 1st ANZAC service held at Ohinemutu
Ohinemutu War Memorial ( From |
1930 1st 'Talkies' at Majestic Theatre
NZ Herald 18 Dec 1931 (From Papers Past) |
1935 1st tar sealed road between Rotorua & Ngongotaha
1937 1st parade of Rotorua Boys Brigade
1939 1st Rotorua Yacht and Power Boat Gala Day
1943 1st American Servicemen arrive in Rotorua
1947 1st Jukebox installed in Rotorua Milk Bar
1948 1st use of New Soundshell
1949 1st official broadcast from Station 1YZ Rotorua.
There are of course many more 1st's for Rotorua this is just a small selection. You can read more Rotorua History in Don Stafford's well known books 'The Founding Years in Rotorua' and 'The new century in Rotorua' available to borrow from the 2nd Floor.