Friday, 27 May 2016

New Zealand Music Month, Post 3, Sir Howard Morrison

Rotorua Musical Icon

Sir Howard Morrison in his own words : "I'd been singing from the time I was a kid, milking my cows at Ruatahuna, in the bush when I came back on holidays from Te Aute... but this was my introduction to singing in a disciplined way, in public."  

"The Whataraus got me to join the church choir, then the Awapuni Concert Party. And from that, two Whatarau sisters, Isobel and Virginia, and I formed the Clive Trio --- the first popular singing group I was ever involved with." in Howard : the life and times of Sir Howard Morrison p.38

From : Howard : the life and times of Sir Howard Morrison p.39

To read more of this great book come up to the Library's 2nd Floor, Maori Collection, 782.42z MOR

From the Clive Trio to the Howard Morrison Show
in Rotorua Photo News Jul 31, 1965 p.33.
The Rotorua Photo News, published 1963-1971, has many more photographs of Sir Howard and his Quartet.

For more information on Sir Howard click these links to some great sources :

Monday, 16 May 2016

New Zealand Music Month, Post No. 2

Rotorua's Music Heritage 

Ever heard of a local band called "Dizzy Feelings" ? It seems Rotorua was a rockin' place in the 1960s. This band features in The Rotorua Photonews of 6 July 1968 auditioning, along with other Rotorua muso's for a N.Z.B.C. Radio series to be known as "Home Town Sounds '68" 

Were you part of the band? Did you hear them on the radio?  If so we'd love to hear from you!
Email :

And here they are ....

Rotorua Photo News, Photographs by Jack Lang 

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

New Zealand Music Month

Celebrating Rotorua Musicians & other musical trivia

Rotorua has a rich history of talented singers and performers due the early tourist trade.  
One such renowned singers were, Ana Hato and her cousin Deane Waretini,  who made 14 records of traditional and contemporary Maori music. She and Deane also produced many recordings for Radio New Zealand. Ana sang at the reception for the Duke and Duchess of York in 1927. Ana also sang at the opening ceremony of Rotorua's first radio station 1YZ in 1949.