Rotorua's Art Scene 1980s onward
Te Arawa
Collective Artists Trust
Arawa Maori Trust, Pukuatua Street designed and painted by Alan Rikihana only
finished c1983 - Obliterated by new shops built on that wall story in Daily Post, 26.5.1984, 5.12.1984, 4.1.1985. The top part
of the mural can still be seen on the wall of this building, most of which is
Was this Rotorua's first mural on a building?
Mural on the front walls and ceiling of the Telephone
Exchange DP 18.7.1985 also by Alan Rikihana, Jo Rikihana and Wayne Prue.
The Mural on the Police Station by painted by artist Dave
Roberts in Daily Post 21 May 1987.
Source - Don Stafford File: Arts 1984 p. 3 & 14, 1985 p. 1, 16, 24-27.
Photograph courtesy of Kete Rotorua, taken 21 May 2012. |
FestivArt (Rotorua’s Bi-ennial cultural festival) 1st March 1984 featuring the Aramoana Maori Fashion Pageant, performances by NZ Ballet, Gary McCormick and Hammond Gamble and a showing of rare NZ Films. Festival ran for 4 days.
5th March 1986 held for 2 weeks, see DP 04 Mar 1986
Source: Don Stafford File: Arts, 1986 pg. 4-6.
FestivArt 88 was held on the first weekend of April and ran for one week. Featured entertainment was Royal New Zealand Ballet, Limbs Dance Company, a screening of rare films of Rotorua from the New Zealand Film Archive, the National Golden Clef Awards, Auckland Opera Quartet, an evening with comedian Margo O'Mahoney, Northland Youth Theatre production and Schola Musica. Along with lunch time concerts at St Luke's, evening concerts by Rotorua's top bands at the Band Rotunda and several schools held street festivals in Tutanekai Mall.
See Daily Post 30th March 1988 pg. 26 for full story.
Was there a FestivArt in 1990, if so when was it held and does anyone know when this festival ceased?. Email us at Heritage & Research
Lakeland Progressive Arts Society c.1996-2003
Formed April 1996 in Daily Post Weekender, 4 Apr 1996
p. 8
'New arts society for Bay of Plenty artists'
A new arts society is being established in Rotorua this month by a collective of artists in the Bay of Plenty. The Lakeland Progressive Art Society is holding it's first general meeting on April 10 in Wohlmann House and organiser Shana Ridell, says "their visual arts group promises to be the most exciting thing that has ever hit the Bay of Plenty for aspiring artists or established professionals. Hopefully it'll be written about one day in the art history textbooks of New Zealand"
Other stories : Weekender 16 Jan
1996 p.4, 28 May 1996, 17 Apr 1998,
Weekender 9 Oct 1198, p.4, 25 Nov 1998 p.12 exhibition in Library. Jan 1999
Educational Suppl pg.3, Apr 1999 p.4,
Weekender 6 Apr 2001.
Source: Rotorua Library, Daily Post Index.
Art in the Park 1998- present
An annual event that began with the first, held 14th February 1998. In DP 14/2/98 p.2, 16 Feb 1998 p.1, 19 Feb 1998 p.1. Source: Rotorua Library, Daily Post Index.
The event is held at the Government Gardens every February.
Excerpt from the Daily Post 14th February 1998, p.2
'Art and music galore at park event' by Abigail Caspari
'There will be arts and music galore at Rotorua's first Art in the Park at Government Gardens from 10 am to 4 pm tomorrow. Member of the Rotorua Community Arts Council and one of the organisers, Joan Minty, said "the idea if the free Art in the Park was first broached a year ago" The aim of the day, which Joan Minty hopes will become an annual event, is to give artists the opportunity to show off their work with several demonstrating their talents. It will also give Rotorua residents the chance to check out some of the city's artistic talent'
R.A.V.E 2002-renamed The Arts Village
Daily Post 29 Nov 1996 p.3, 4 Feb
1997 p.2, 26 Aug 1997 p.1, 28 Aug 1999 p.20, 21 Sep 1999 p.3
18 Mar 2000 p.3, 02 Aug 2000 p. 1,
13 Sep 2000 p.3 Opening 16 Nov 2002 by Steve Chadwick.
Source: Rotorua Library, Daily Post Index.
Excerpt from Daily Post 29th November 1996 p.3
'Arts village for Rotorua' by Toni Skiffington.
'An arts village may be set up in Rotorua and an arts worker employed in the city following the go ahead from the Rotorua District Council to investigate these options'
Wohlmann House becomes the Rotorua Arts Village - 2002.
Photograph courtesy of Kete Rotorua.
Taken December 2012 by Alison Leigh |